Permanent Residency


Permanent Residency Visa is for people who strive to put efforts in New Zealand’s economy. Here the applicant has to send and EOI (Expression Of Interest)to the New Zealand Authorities. This EOI should include all the necessary information like the age of the applicant, the work experience he/she is holding, qualification, ability to settle in New Zealand. Once this EOI is accepted by the New Zealand authority, a person is then free to live and work in New Zealand for an indefinite period of time.

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

  • This kind of visa is granted under the point-based system.
  • New Zealand Immigration authorities are currently accepting the EOIs with points 160 or above.
  • This kind of visa is not designed for individuals who are working in their own businesses and are thus self-employed. However, such applicants can always go for an Entrepreneur Resident Visa.

Benefits of permanent resident visa

  • You can live in New Zealand infinitely.
  • You can study as any other citizen over there.
  • You can work as a normal resident of the country.
  • You can also include your spouse and any children of or under the age of 24 in your application.

Work (If you have received an offer of skilled employment from an employer in Auckland)

If you have an offer from Auckland for a skilled employment then it can fetch you enough points to be eligible for applying for the PR. But you have to fulfill certain conditions to avail the offer:

  • You have to take up the job within 3 months of landing in New Zealand.
  • You will have to retain yourself in the job for at least 3 months of joining.

You must also possess a proof within 5 years of landing in New Zealand stating that you have stayed in your skilled employment for at least 3 months straight.

Work (if you have an offer of skilled employment outside of Auckland)

If you have received an offer of skilled employment from outside of Auckland and you want to earn points for that to apply for Permanent Residency, then you must take care of a couple of things:

  • You have to start working in the position within 3 months of landing.
  • You will have to stay in the job for at least 12 months.

You must hold an evidence that you have worked in that skilled employment for at least 12 months in the 5 years of your landing.


Point Test

20-29 Years 30
30-39 25
40-44 20
45-49 10
50-55 5
Close Family in NZ 10
Job Offer 50
Working in Skilled Job in NZ for less than 12 months 50
Working in Skilled Job in NZ for more than 12 months 60
Work in an area of Identified future growth area 10
Work in an area of absolute skill shortage 10
Work in a region outside Auckland 30
Partner has a skilled job or job offer 20
2 Years 10
4 Years 15
6 Years 20
8 Years 25
10 Years 30
1 Year 5
2 Year 10
3 or more Years 15
Work experience in Identified growth area  
2-5 years 10
6 or more years 15
Work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage  
2-5 years 10
6 or more years 15
Level 4-6 40
Level 7 or 8 50
Level 9 or 10 60
One year full time study in NZ completing level 7 or 8 course 10
Two year full time study in NZ completing level 7 or 8 course 15
Qualification in an Identified Future growth area 10
Qualification in an area of absolute Skills shortage 10
Partner holding level 4-6 qualification 10
Partner holding level 7 or above qualification 20


The following English language test results are acceptable:

Test Minimum score required
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – General or Academic Module Overall score of 6.5 or more
Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) Overall score of 79 or more
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) Overall score of 58 or more

Cambridge English: First (FCE)or 

Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools

Overall score of 176 or more
Occupational English Test (OET) Grade B or higher in all four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking)*